I really happy today, Guys. Directly, after I'm waiting for these several months, I ended up my AS Level Exam by doing Physics 9702 Paper 12 about Multiple Choice.
Of course, it's hard for me to did several routines for learning those 'crazy' materials. More, I have to run faster also to fulfill all of my tasks in the National Curricula told at my class.
Hereby, I wanna say thanks for some of these persons who particularly help me to fulfill my day in this Term 4 of XI grade. Those persons are:
1. My Family, who always support me to ended up my day till the end of this term.
2. My teachers, who always give me the knowledge that nurture me to reach my dream soon.. ( Aamiin :) )
3. My friends, such as my classmate, roommate, and the other AS Level candidates who always make me supported with my day.
Happy Writing and, Have a Nice Holiday all.
Prepare for the Final Exam, next year.
Januar :)