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My Last Experience about Graduation

Rek, Do you know how much I miss you? :(
 I know we were apart now, but I hope we can always keep on contact

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I Don't Want Miss A Thing

Repost dari FB, sambil dengerin Aerosmith - I Don't Want Miss A Thing


Terlalu banyak kenangan indah yang terukir bersama kalian. Susah senang kerja keras tidur di kelas bareng, konflik, bertengkar( Ahmad Syahid Zakaria, maafin aku yo sing mbiyen mbiyen Hid), Finishing Drama sampe jam 2 malam di hall lantai 2, drama Mandarin, senam kelas, drama Bahasa Indonesia, class meeting terakhir, nangis bareng, ngemper bareng ndek depan kelas sampe dimarahin Guru Benny ( Cahyaning Putri Pamedar New, Dian Rahmawati, Edwin Putra, Vidya Sukma Fitriyawan), bolos GO bareng ndek kantin, masih inget gak Cahyaning Putri Pamedar Leila Mauilda


Kelompokan bareng, ngadem cari AC ke ruang BK, ulangane bu Pra sing biasane. Luthfi Irawan Mohamad Wildanus Solihin sing biasane ngancani aku sewaktu sedih, lek seneng tak tinggal. Maaf ya rek, waktu pengumuman UN kalau gak onok kalian aku gak ngerti nasibku bakal kayak gimana. Arsi Amallah Binhaq Sri Utami Wening Hapsari thanks ya rek udah sering banget nemenin aku kesana sini. Maaf aku masih childish banget ke kalian. Sukses di ITB UGM ITS ya :')


Deni Putri Kusumawati Fikri Afif yang sering banget duduk di deketku. Thanks banget ya udah mau denger aku cerita cerita FK UGM dulu, walaupun akhirnya takdir berkata lain. Tapi aku bersyukur disini sekarang, aku bisa belajar banyak. Aku bakal usaha di UNAIR kok. Aku gak nyesel kesini.

Sistaria Isma Syarifah 'faichizdr' cie, akhirnya Sis kita kelompokan ya? Ngerjain video bahasa Jerman bareng di kantin sambil makan malam, thanks banget udah sabar nemenin aku ngerjain Jerman. sampe ngulang ngulang recording beberapa kali. 


Bintang Rajasanegara Ting, aku ngerti kadang aku geje buanget waktu omong omongan kambek awakmu, suwun banget udah mampu mengimbangi kegejean dan ke-freak-an ku ya. Aku nyadar kadang (sering sih) kata kataku nyakiti awakmu. maafin aku yaaa


Kakung Danny Maulana, thanks banget udah sering ngeluangin kasur atasmu tak pake tidur di kamarmu. Maaf banget sampe udah lulus masih belum bisa nata kasur sprei selimut dengan perfect. Ntar, temenin aku jalan jalan di Bogor ya? 


Shinta Ayu Nikmasari Solichah sepurane yo aku sering banget debat kambek awakmu. Aku nyadar aku emang stubborn buanget areke. aku angel dikandani. sepurane yo wis sering nyakiti atimu. Aku gak maksud lo sakjane.


Dhea Cynthia Monica dan Mbak Anis Wulandari duo yang aku takuti selama ini. Hehehe. Nggak tau kenapa, aku sering banget ngerasa takut di deket kalian lo. Aku gak tau, apa emang aku yang masih kayak anak kecil, kalian yang sudah keibuan, sehinggaaku ngerasa takut ya? 


Anisa Dovelopment heh, ojok koyok ngono maneh yo nang aku? Ndi jarene nggawakno aku onde onde sampe lulus koyok ngene gak sido sido. Suwun ya wis njahitne seragamku sing rusak. suwun wis njahitne seragamku drama. bener bener topcer. tak doain rencanamu bukak butik kesampaian. aamiin


Harun Ardiansyah lan Rahadyan Saktyo Arzaqi duh, wong loro iki nggarai aku keweden ndek kelas lo, hehehe . salahe dewe nduwe wajah sing sangar dan menyeramkan. eh, lek misale aku nang jogja (mugo keturutan) ajaken dolen dolen ya? Suwun wis sering ngarahne aku cek solid nang kelas, cek aku gak males ngorok ndek kelas waktu classmeet


Pahlevy Waskithaning Nastiti heh, enak lo rasane cempedak e kae. Suwun ya wes gelem nggawakne cempedak adoh adoh soko banjar. sing langgeng kambek pacarmu kae.

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My Loud Shouting .... :)

I really happy today, Guys. Directly, after I'm waiting for these several months, I ended up my AS Level Exam by doing Physics 9702 Paper 12 about Multiple Choice. 

Of course, it's hard for me to did several routines for learning those 'crazy' materials. More, I have to run faster also to fulfill all of my tasks in the National Curricula told at my class. 

Hereby, I wanna say thanks for some of these persons who particularly help me to fulfill my day in this Term 4 of XI grade. Those persons are:

1. My Family, who always support me to ended up my day till the end of this term.

2. My teachers, who always give me the knowledge that nurture me to reach my dream soon.. ( Aamiin :) )

3. My friends, such as my classmate, roommate, and the other AS Level candidates who always make me supported with my day. 

Happy Writing and, Have a Nice Holiday all.
Prepare for the Final Exam, next year. 


Januar :)

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Grain-Based Food, What’s the First?

Grain-Based Food, What’s the First?
Achmad Januar Er Putra
01 / XI Science 4
SMAN 10 Malang

          Many anthropologists still argued about the first grain-based food. Some of them proposed that the origin of that kind of food is bread, while the rest says beer. Which one is the correct? Let’s discuss together.

          The first is about grinding the grain. For the bread idea-addict, they said that the grain should be crushed for the first, then it will turns to paste and easier to be consumed. While, at the beer side, the grain just needed to be kept on a moist environment, and they will start to germinate. The sprout will produce the sweet substance.

          Next, the bread preparation needs to be baked up to the fire. The loaf of breads will be maintained in value for a longer time after harvesting. In the other hand, the beers no need to be baked; they just can be drunk spontaneously after the process is finished.

          Last, the bread accidentally inhabited by yeast spore, providing lighter texture. For the opposite reason; the beer; the yeast can’t be added naturally. But, the beer-maker should extract the yeast with some amount of water first. This mixture of yeast and water will ferment the sprout to become beer.

          From some reasons above, which arguments do you think as the most correct argument one? 

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Learning from (Outside) Indonesia, Will You?

Learning from (Outside) Indonesia, Will You?
Achmad Januar Er Putra -- 01 / XI Science 4
SMAN 10 Malang

            When you was listening a person talking about university abroad, how was your imagination walks? Are you imagining yourself as a scholar there? Or, you have been selected as a student there? Was your feeling fly to the paramount of this Milky Way? If you answer is yes, let us discuss together about it deeply. 

            Studying overseas or abroad could be defined that we are studying outside our home country. For example, you are Indonesian, and then you are studying at United States of America. We can say that you are studying abroad. So, what are the advantages that we can get by leaving our beloved country to educate ourselves?

            First, studying abroad can gives us the latest experience that rarely happens at our own country. It will be clearer if you are studying in a country that has the extremely different custom with your value. Of course it will be different for you that originally come from a religious-based country who learn at secular country, and vice versa. By getting that imperial experience, you can open your paradigm wider about our world. We can analyze that human in this world isn’t same, but we are having our special characters. From that new ideology, we can celebrate the people diversity as a gift given by God the Almighty. Is it nice?

            Next, we can learn the strategic way that another country do to brings their welfare. If we learn only in our country, what can we get about other’s path to success? It would be better for us to learn the ‘secret recipe’ directly from the owner. And the way is done by learning overseas. The clear figure is already shown by Sri Mulyani, our ex-Financial Minister. She was learning Economics at Harvard University. She was successfully led the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia. And now, she is becoming one of the governors in World Bank. Guess what, she was learning overseas!

            My last question for you, won’t you get as much friends as possible? You will definitely say yes, I think. In this virtual based-era, it is important to have a relationship with several persons from another region in this world. We already knew that people is a social person. We can’t life without the help of others. It is really urgent that we need to corporate with several persons to develop our business, or for finding the better job that suitable with our background. By studying overseas, we can get more colleagues that might be useful and helpful for our future jobs. This is the analogy, which one is profitable, having ten friends or thousand friends that can help us for finding the job?

            From those discussion above, we can sum these up that studying overseas is a better solution for us to shine our future. Not only keeping our future life, but it also gives several advantages for us. So, what are you waiting now? Just prepare ourselves with requirements needed for studying abroad. Take the exam, prepare your passport, prepare your visa, and have a nice learning atmosphere there! Your country is waiting for his better life. J

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