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Inspiring Videos



My analyses:

Number 1: A video from Kiran Bir Sethi in TED India

The Engineer (now) is a Child

            Wow, nice video from Kiran Bir Sethi, a true ‘teacher’ that comes from Riverside school in India. Contagious, is the first sentence that catches every audience’s mind about her project. Her project is about empowering the children to take their part in life. A child is commonly describing as a passive thing that can’t give his real action for the world. But, Kiran Bir Sethi suddenly changes that paradigm to her region in India. She could do it well. More, her project can be spread to the other city, Ahmedabad. In Ahmedabad, the program is success. Children now act as the engineer for the change.


Number 2: The song about  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGNn0XwKlpY

Three most powerful words throughout the song are:
1.      One voice can starts a revolution
2.      If I believe I can achieve
3.      Don’t forget how far we have come

This song reminds me about my experience in the last 2011, when I decided to enter the boarding school system in SMAN 10 Malang. So, by the inspiration of my previous experience, I choose those sentences which I already mentioned at the first section of this task.
One voice can starts a revolution. I really inspired with this sentence. By only one voice, we can start the fast changes in ourselves, family, community, or even in the world. This sentence again can inspire me to decide my own decision. By my own voice to said yes to study overseas, I will start the revolution of my life. I want to revolute myself to enroll in Neuroscience undergraduate. I can reach my own dream to be a success person. A success person in helping the world overcomes the problems.
The second word, if I believe I can achieve. Again and again, this can inspire me to reach my dream studying neuroscience overseas. If I believe that I can accepted in my wanted faculty by my hard work, willpower, and believe, I can achieve it. Amen, Allah SWT will always give the best for the best effort of work.
Then, the last word, about the sentence “Don’t forget how far we have come.” This sentence told me that if I already achieve my dream to study overseas and become the real neuroscientist, don’t forget about our grapple, we’ve did the far struggle. So, I shouldn’t forget to contribute back my knowledge for the community. And I will do it for the best! Amin ya robbal alamin. J

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Neuroscience, a branch of hope

Neuroscience, a branch of hope
source : keychangenow.com
Neuroscience is a branch of Medicinal knowledge that focuses on observing and studying an important part of human system, which is Nervous system. This system is taking the biggest influence for people, because this system acts as the motor for our life sustainability.

          Actually, I’ve never think about this faculty because I just decide at that time (Junior High School era) that I want to be a doctor. No matter what! I just want to be a doctor because I want to be a rich person.

          After I’m entering SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy), my mindset changes about the future occasion. More, I learn Biology subject here with the more specific content. So, everyone will easily master to the materials given by the teacher.

          Exactly, it happens last year, in January 2012. I got the task from my previous IGCSE Biology teacher, Mrs. Siti Juhariyah. She gave the tasks to class to find an article about a branch of biology. Here, I want to get the different articles with others. Because I wanted to be a ‘different’ person from others, I searched the article about Neurology. The first, I had no impression with that branch of Biology. So, I just copy the article and then saved it in my laptop.

          At the next morning, I started to do my task. I analyze about the core of this knowledge. How surprising! I’m attracted by this knowledge. Although I’ve finished my task, my hands still brought me to search the information more in the cyber city. From then on, I’m impressed and motivated to enter to this faculty.
You may ask why I decided to choose neuroscience. If there is a person asks me like that, I will answer through the following steps:
From then on, I just want to prepare this resolution. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. I will try hard to reach my resolution and dreams come true. J

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Universe has no (More) Stars to be Picked Up

Universe has no (More) Stars to be Picked Up

Source: wezl.com

          Welcome guys in my second posting in this extraordinary year. We’ve passed 2012. In 2012, this is full of memory. There is a rumor about doomsday. The rumor that told there will be a big natural disaster. And the year, for us, especially students of SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) 3rd Batch to decide one of our dream by choosing the class that we want. Instead of Science or Social Science, it gave the best for us.

          When the sparkling year comes to my calendar, I still spend my time home. This year I’m still fulfilling my holiday after getting the semester exam. My card results were not as good as the previous one. I’m getting worst on some subjects. Inspired from that result, I’m deciding my resolution for this year in this nice flipchart:

Those resolutions seem difficult to reach, I think. But, I have my secret weapon to realize it. I will do the best from me. If the other person just allocates their time an hour to study, I will spend more. I will provide at least 1 hour 30 minutes to study and explore my knowledge. 

          I plant in my heart and mind that this current universe, Milky Way, has no more stars provided for the world citizens. So, I should find it in another universe. I would find the new area which is the stars still available everywhere although it is hard to catch.

          We can, because we believe that we can do it. So do our dream. If we ask our heart to believe that we can reach that dream, the dream will comes to us easily.

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Will Religious Freedom Provided by the Government?

Will Religious Freedom Provided by the Government?
Achmad Januar Er Putra
SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy)

Source : ressay.wordpress.com

My hands walk fast up to keyboard on my Toshiba laptop. Suddenly, when I’m opening my search engine, it was surprised when there was the headline news about religious freedom in a part of Indonesia, Blitar. My mind’s curiosity asked me to investigate with that news. So, to emphasize my curiosity, I’m opening one of the English-based electronic newspapers in Indonesia. Fortunately, the info still placed in the most popular news.

          I’m reading three articles from the same electronic newspaper with the same theme; one of three articles was the letter from the readers. The case was discussed about the dilemma in Catholic school that getting the force from local religious affairs department in Blitar. The head of local religious affairs department, Imam Mukhlis, was already sent the letter to Blitar city mayor, about the decision to revoke the permission of six Catholic schools that developed by two foundations, namely Johannes Gabriel and Joseph Foundation. The local government said that the “recalcitrant” Catholic schools were breaking up the Government Regulation No. 55/2007 which turns based on the Law No. 20/2003. It because the school haven’t provide the Islamic classes for their Muslim students were taking the knowledge on that Catholic institution.

          While in the school arguments, they will wait for the decision from their foundation center in Catholic diocese of Surabaya. They said that the local government of Blitar mispresented the presence of those institutions in the meeting with local religious affairs. They also have the based law; it was stated in Article 55 (1) law no. 20/2003 about the Catholic schools were entitled to develop their own curricula based on their religious, social, and cultural norms.

          My interpretation for that case, I think, there just happen the misunderstanding between Local Religious affairs with Catholic Institution about the teaching and learning process. In my opinion, I think the government should not revoke the operational permission for those Catholic schools because they also have the mission to educate Indonesia. More, Indonesia also provides the freedom for every person who lives here to join or getting the religion lesson. While, for the school, it’s better that they also provide the Islamic classes to their Muslim students. Just take the example from Muhammadiyah institution in East Nusa Tenggara. The Muhammadiyah provides the Christian religion for their Christian students also.

          To sum up all of the case above, I think both the local government and Catholic institution should discuss more about that decision deeply to get the best result for both position. The best decision will bring the best atmosphere to world! Keep on your wise decision.

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