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Bring New Hope for Everyone

source: en.wikipedia.org

If I am being a rich person, I will build a new educational system in my neighbourhood. Being rich is one of most people impression in this non-long lasting world. Guess what, we do that everyday. Taking an intensive learning at the school atmosphere, wake up earlier at the morning in the aim not to be a late worker, or planting some shares in the developing factory. Those are our way to gain what we call by rich.

But, I have the opposite paradigm by being a rich person. For me, richness is not only when we can get our financial happiness. Richness will be more valuable if we can share at least the rich atmosphere in our closest community.

Let we make the topology of being the rich person. Imagine that now we are in the first level of rich person. Then, we have the next offspring that of course will continue our struggle in the green zone. We should decided, will we allow our next generation by placing them in the safety zone or encourage them to earn by theirself? The rich-wise person will absolutely answer the second option. So do I, as an educate person, I will decide to make at least my next generation courageous with the world condition, not only letting them in the safe zone by always depending on their parent’s assets.

One of the ways to realize that planning, for me, that is to build the new education system at least in my previous countryside. I will develop the new curricula that will not make the students feel hard to finish it, but they will motivate to finish it by theirself because they already decide the materials based on their perspective and ability.

In the other way, I will build the holistic school systems that provide all of the school equipment from my private funds. I will provide the free school, so that the students will only focus on their learning without thinking too much about how they should pay on. I will use my own money, because I’m rich of course. (Amen J). If I am a rich man, I will makes all of my dreams come true!

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Rainbow Butterflyfish Swims All Over the Ocean

source : animals.nationalgeographic.com

“If I were a rainbow butterflyfish, I will swims to every continent easily.”

Rainbow butterflyfish, which native to coral-based sea environment, is the most beautiful water creature from God for us. Why? It’s OK from the fish’ appearance that they were look likes a helpless fish. A helpless fish that reaches every heart to take on it.
          Rainbow butterflyfish was originally from sub-tropical over shore such as Kyushu Offshore, Japan and East China Sea. They have variety of colour that makes them different from another species of sea ecosystem. It seems usual because not only rainbow butterflyfish that has attractive colour, but also another fish.
          For me, rainbow butterflyfish is not a usual fish. But, they were an extraordinary fish since I knew about them two years ago. I knew them from their picture at Singapore stamp. The stamp was exactly like the picture above. From then on, I was imagining how if I were a rainbow butterflyfish? I searched on the reference site about them and I was amazed at that time.
          They lived in a flock and always come to other place together. It was different with the other bigger fish species, such as barracuda that lives solitary and mobilize itself. One distinct characteristics of rainbow butterflyfish was also they could migrating from a place near the north pole to other place which is far apart from their original place, such as tropical water stream near Bunaken and Banda Sea.
If they just transported for a thousand miles by theirself, I’m sure that they will not reaches their destination point. They could be beaten by the predator or caught by the fish collector because of their extraordinary scale appearance! Even, they could be drowned to the base of the sea caused by the different level of water temperature from each different zone of ocean. But, they didn’t do that failure. They are still present at this wonderful world now! How can they survive from the extreme ocean climate?
Actually, the rainbow butterflyfish helps each other to do their everyday routine. By doing the cooperative strategy, they can survive in that sea. The populous number of rainbow butterflyfish can make a large area for them to transport, so, they were not be drowned by ocean level because they could designed the large area of fish which absolutely decrease the pressure of water that reach on them.
More, by creating the number of rainbow butterflyfish, it could make their predator difficult to catch them as the prey, so, it could make the rainbow butterflyfish migrate from each side in this world safer.
For me, their life’s symphony is motivating me. It’s not only about their daily routine, but, more than just it! I just imagining, if I am a rainbow butterflyfish, it will be nothing for my community if I just work and do my action by myself. But, if I am one of the flock of rainbow butterflyfish, we can build the strongest guard which make us become a success person. Each fish could contribute their ability and airs to build a path that we call, Success! Sure, we can make it becomes true, as we imagining to become one of the rainbow’ community.

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Pemelihara (Mutiara) Bangsa

Pemelihara (Mutiara) Bangsa
Achmad Januar Er Putra
SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy)

Sekarang, berbagai media informasi tengah memberitakan kemenangan Barack Hussein Obama sebagai presiden Amerika Serikat untuk kedua kalinya. Obama berhasil mengalahkan rivalnya Mitt Romney dengan selisih 67 electoral votes. Banyak pihak, salah satunya Indonesia mengelu-elukan Obama sebagai presiden negeri Paman Sam untuk kedua kalinya. Euforia melanda hampir di seluruh penjuru negeri. Akun jejaring sosial ramai memperbincangkan kemenangan pemimpin nomor satu adidaya dunia yang sempat tinggal di bumi pertiwi, Indonesia.
Di balik meriahnya pesta demokrasi yang baru saja usai di seberang Indonesia, banyak pihak yang melupakan rahasia besar di balik kesuksesan Obama. Apakah sebenarnya rahasia itu? Jawabannya adalah riwayat belajar sang presiden. Pernahkah kita memikirkan siapa sosok yang mampu membuat Obama atau pelopor dunia lainnya menjadi seperti sekarang? Yang kita ulas hanyalah bagaimana cara mereka meraih kesuksesan.
Padahal, di balik lahirnya punggawa-punggawa dunia, terdapat seorang tokoh yang tak bisa dianggap remeh. Tokoh tersebut adalah guru. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, dalam Pasal 1 Ayat (1), dijabarkan bahwa guru adalah pendidik profesional dengan tugas utama mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah. Dari pasal di atas, tampaklah jelas bahwa guru merupakan tokoh yang paling berperan dalam pembentukan kepribadian generasi penerus selain pihak keluarga.
Tampuk yang dibebankan kepada guru bukanlah tampuk yang remeh, tetapi beban besar yang menyangkut keberlangsungan harkat dan martabat bangsa. Guru merupakan tokoh sentral yang bertindak sebagai penata barisan kedaulatan suatu bangsa. Akankah seorang guru yang juga warga negara suatu bangsa, rela mempertaruhkan hidup mati bangsa dan negaranya?
Menengok ke dalam topik bahasan di atas, lahirnya tokoh penggebrak dunia tak lepas dari pengaruh guru. Salah satu contoh nyatanya adalah negara kita sendiri, Indonesia. Siapakah diantara sekian ratus juta penduduk ranah mutu manikan ini yang tak mengenal sosok BJ Habibie? Hampir semua orang di Indonesia bahkan dunia mengenal beliau sebagai seorang maestro dunia kedirgantaraan. Yanga da di benak kita, apakah BJ Habibie sejak lahir dari rahim Ibu langsung menguasai ilmu pesawat terbang? Tentu tidak. Ilmu yang dimiliki BJ Habibie layaknya sebuah mutiara, tetapi belum bersinar cemerlang. Gurulah yang mengasah mutiara keterampilan BJ Habibie hingga cemerlang seperti sekarang.
Posisi guru di dalam penegakan pilar-pilar kebangsaan sangatlah krusial. Guru merupakan tokoh paling berpengaruh terhadap pola pikir suatu bangsa. Maju mundurnya urat nadi suatu negara bergantung pada dedikasi guru bagi generasi emas negara tersebut. Menjadi guru bukanlah suatu perkara mudah. Diilhami dari firman Tuhan dalam Al Qur’an Surat Al Baqarah ayat 30, yang menerangkan posisi manusia sebagai khalifah atau wakil Tuhan di muka bumi. Tuhan telah mempercayakan manusia untuk mengelola ciptaanNya dengan baik. Dan, yang didapuk untuk membawa perubahan manusia menjadi khalifah seutuhnya di muka bumi ini adalah guru.
Tugas dan tantangan yang dihadapi guru, terlebih dalam era reformasi sekarang sangatlah berat. Derasnya arus informasi yang mengucur ke dalam otak setiap generasi muda Indonesia membawa dampak yang tak dapat diremehkan. Degradasi moral dan karakter luhur bangsa mengancam kokohnya Indonesia yang susah payah dimerdekakan dari rongrongan kaum kolonialis.
Tetapi, seorang guru tampil di lini terdepan dan siap menangkis semua virus-virus globalisasi yang siap menghancurkan stabilitas suatu bangsa. Guru yang tampak sederhana, tetapi mampu menyelamatkan generasi penerus ini dengan semangat berbagi. Filsafah sumur memang layak disejajarkan dengan seorang guru. Sumur setiap hari ditimba, tetapi tidak akan pernah habis persediaan airnya. Begitupun seorang guru, mencurahkan segala pengalaman dan ilmu yang dimilikinya demi kejayaan bangsa.
Melihat begitu banyaknya peranan guru bagi suatu bangsa, tak ada salahnya kita nyanyikan himne guru.

Terpujilah wahai engkau ibu bapak guru
Namamu akan selalu hidup dalam sanubariku
Semua baktimu akan kuukir di dalam hatiku
Sebagai prasasti terima kasihku
Tuk pengabdianmu

Engkau sebagai pelita dalam kegelapan
Engkau laksana embun penyejuk dalam kehausan
Engkau patriot pahlawan bangsa
Tanpa tanda jasa

Kita resapi makna dari setiap bait di atas dengan saksama. Jasa seorang guru sangatlah besar, lebih besar dari yang pernah kita imajinasikan. Guru merupakan pengasah mutiara-mutiara yang akan memegang kekuasaan negeri ini. Oleh karena itu, tak ada salahnya jika kita ucapkan dengan lantang, Guruku, Pahlawanku! Tanpa guru, akan menjadi apa negeri yang makmur dan tentram ini?

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A Secret Thing Called Life

A small stepping stone has come
It’s just not as easy as we take the core
The skin of mystery that never ends up
It’s not as stubborn as the reef that stands up
It is a secret thing
This starts from the beginning

            Is there any candle that saves me from the blindness?
            Is there any canoe that brings me pass this hazardous river?
            Is there any raincoat that protects me from the heavy thunderstorm?
            It also a secret,

Who knows what that is actually?
It is a secret thing called life
Life is a bizarre
It comes and gone by every heartbeat
It inhales and exhales by every respiration
It likes a puzzle that needs to be collected size by size
A puzzle that never finished
‘Till we reach, destiny

            What is life actually?
            Life is not a measurable thing
            Life is not when we are put our hands up
            Life is about finding our own path
            Life is about finding our own goal
            Life is about finding our happiness

When will it finished?
It only finishes when we are die
Keep our life happy
Share our happiness to others
That’s what I called, Life!

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Difference Shines Our Light

Difference Shines Our Light

Achmad Januar Er Putra
SMA Negeri 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy)

Difference is a sense in this earth. Difference is not the obstacle in our life, but it is a gift given by God to colorize our life. God creates us in different characteristics from one to another person. Someone cannot be said to be same with the other except if we are identical twins. Everyone bring their characters. Character will build the colorful in our life. It will shape the earth to be a puzzle that challenges its citizen to survive and keep the beat in each heart of human. Difference brings the earth citizen to dive in it and find their final way in which they want to be. Difference is not a problem, but it is a rainbow in the earth even we come from different background. Difference makes our life fluctuate continuously to be a better person. And what do we need to face the diversity in difference? Respect! That is the key to face it.

Why is respect important to join the differences? Respect is absolutely important to be one with differences in the world. Globalization grows faster since the technologies develop in the last century. Globalization brings all aspect of life from the one side of world to the other side of the world. Globalization breaks the wall that separate Eastern style with the Western. If the wall is broken, so there will be no filter that prevents the Eastern culture to get into the Western culture which is not good to be adopted by them. Respect is the effective way to prevent it. But, respect is not aimed to let Eastern people can’t join the differences. Precisely, respect will build a system that brings the benefit for all those people. This system could help each side of people to learn the better moral value from one of them and research the worse norm from the other side. If the moral value is better, so the other can adopt it in their life. While, if the norm is worse than their side, they can use it as introspection to be the better and more careful than the other without any violence and uphold the value of peace. Like cross-culture understanding that run not to compare and judge one’s system of life, but it want to build a best perception to understand the difference. Difference is important to our life, but it is more important if we respect each other and not accuse each other’s background.

Respect also brings a better atmosphere for getting a better world full of peace. A developed difference can be a simple, yet complex rule. This rule almost accepted by the people because the source of respect is also from the human heartstrings. The people develop the respect, and the people also obey the rule that they make with all they best idea. For example, the plan of Pancasila, called Jakarta Charter that had been revised in the first provision. The revision was done because the leader in Indonesia wanted to unite the nation without any disunity. If not, what will happen? Respect for difference can also unity all of people from various characteristics.

Respect can build the character-based world people. The people who have carved respect in their will not keep on questioning about difference between he and his spoken partner, but he will build an atmosphere that create comfortable conversation. The character will increase and sharpen the essential meaning of respect. Respect is not only a theory, but respect can be built by itself and integrate at all daily norms and values. Respect the difference also the best way to shape the youngster in the world to learn about how to be a good future leader. If the next leader has brought his character-based, especially respectful, the leader will lead the country fairly. Respect makes the characterized culture world.

It could be concluded that respect is the best way to get the better world. Respect is also one of the nine core value to shape the people. Respect will erase the difference among each people to be united. Respect is the bridge to reach our light in the world symphony.

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The World will be a Loser, But We Can if….

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” 
Mae West

A serious discussion happened between a boy and his father. They were talking together about their impression about life. The boy started the conversation by asking his father about life.

His father answer it wisely,
“Life is the nicest gift given by God to me.”
The boy wanted to know more about life. He asked his father again,
            “What kind of happiness that you feel, Dad?”
His father was not answer that question, but he asked a question to his boy,
            “Still you remember about your experience two years later?”
The boy shouted immediately,
            “Of course, Daddy!”
The father replied it also,
            “If there was no camera at that moment, what kind of tools that you can use to keep it?”
The boy thank for a longer time,
            “Yeah, I know dad. The answer is my life. My life is my own camera that could save some bitmaps of my experience, and, it’s unforgettable, Daddy.”
A nice smile grew at the father’s lips,
            “Now, you are opening your mind about life, boy.”
The boy was giving his respond to his father’s statement,
            “Life is not as flat as a bilge, Dad,”
The father replied,
            “Can you tell me more about it, son?”
The boy started to explain his statement,
            “As I analyze from all of my experience, I conclude that life is very colourful. Sometimes it can gives us the happiness, but sometimes the sad condition would also colour our life. True life is when we can survive and face all of the obstacles. More, I think the obstacles are not my problem, Dad. The obstacles are likely to be my stepping stone to reach my own star at the sky. Is that true, Dad?”
The father answered his son question,
            “Hmm… that’s true, boy. But, you should remember a thing in your life. Ovation isn’t the most important thing that you need to be a survivor of life. Sharing is the absolute thing that you should sow in your life.”
The boy asked a question for his father,
            “So, what is your advice for me, Dad?”
The father replied it,
            ‘Don’t be a bigot. It will kills you without your attention. Just be yourself and face your entire problem wisely. Don’t forget others.”

            The dog barks loudly. The clock was showing at eleven sharp of night. The countryside was already quiet. They ended their conversation that night. They slept, but not an ordinary sleep. It was the sleeping of hope, charging the day and renews the soul for the next adventure. 

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Is Our Teacher’s Ability Different?

We often hear a teacher that said, “Do that section on your workbook and we will discuss it tomorrow!” We will directly do it when we understand the materials given. But, we will ignore that task when we are not clear with the materials explained by the teacher. Soon, we may think that “is that true if the teacher having their ability to teach us?”  Is that acceptable for us to grade the teacher based on their ability? Let’s find the answer together.

            First, teacher is a person that helps us to reach our success since in the school. They share their knowledge for us. We can say that our teacher is our guide to reach our success. Without the teacher, who will be the president of our beloved republic? Without him, who will be the ministers and other capable person who brings our country better? From the educational background side, the teacher is also prepared with the skills to handle their class and they have learned about the way how to communicate and share their knowledge to their students. They already learn those materials above since in the university. It means that they all having the same educational background. More, all of them are coming from the same college, for example Teacher Institute (in Bahasa Indonesia is known as IKIP), so they all have the same level of education and time to finish their study there. So, what’s make their ability different? Next, lets we analyze from the students side. Students usually like to learn specific subject, for example in Hard Science or Social Science. If they are not like with a lesson, they will think that they can’t understand to that lesson. It will build the paradigm on their mind, although the teacher of that lesson is able to explain the materials, they will not understand it. Finally, they will say that the teacher can’t explain it well. But, in the fact, it was not really happen.

            In the other hand, teacher’s ability is absolutely different because their task is also different. For example, if we compare a private teacher with the state teacher, they will be different. If a private teacher, he will get the salary based on their performance. But, for state teachers, they will be paid based on their region. Although they already prepared the best performance to share their knowledge, their salary will be the same with the same teacher that never share his knowledge. From then on, it will create a gap between private and state teacher. It will produce ‘a hierarchy of teacher’ based on their ability to teach. Yeah, the salary will lead and influence the ability of teacher to explain the material.

            In conclusion, actually all of the teacher have their own abilities to share their knowledge, but it’s depends on our interpretation on their way to teach and our attention to their lesson. Just respect and follow our teacher’s instruction carefully to reach our highest dream. 

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Should We Do Our Homework?

As students, we often hear this word when it comes to the end of academic semester. Yes, that is homework. All students from the earliest class of elementary school until the freshman before we continue to university, always get it everyday. We usually do it, but have we thought about homework benefits?
            All students who study in a formal learning institutional will agree with the statement that homework is useful for their study. Why? There are so many reasons which emphasize this statement. First, homework brings us to the learning atmosphere. By doing the homework given, directly we will open our hand book or module to seek for the suitable answer to the questions. We don’t realize that it will stimulate us to read and understand the material written in the book. Not only that, homework also can guide us to learn everyday. It will be a good way in learning, so that when we are about to face the exam, we will not learn only in a night before the exam day arrived.
            Thirdly, homework can be a good way for us to get the score. As we know, the teacher doesn’t take the score only from the quiz or daily exam but, they teacher also combines the exam score with the homework and psychomotor side.  So, if our score is not good enough in daily exam, homework will contribute in important part for our score. And, the score could motivate us to reach higher and higher. So, it can make us excited and motivated to love studying everyday.
            From the social side, homework can develop the student skills in their social. How can? It is simple. We know that often teacher asks us to do the homework in a group. So, it could shape and sharpen our social lives, such as are teamwork and our responsibilities to our group. The other positive side, it will make students far from the negative activities such as using the drugs and doing the free sex. It doesn’t mean that homework will kill the beautiful time of students to interact with their friends. But, homework will train the student to manage their time and use their time wisely based on the allocation they made. It will make them easier to take their decision and of course the success will come to them soon.
            At the end of the day, we will say that homework is absolutely useful for us because it can bring many better effects. Of course, as a student, our main duty is learning and studying. One of the ways to learn is by doing our homework. Let’s reach our success together.

From the direct interview with Mr. Zamzam Mahardika, Physical Education Teacher. 

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Computer – is that need or want?

Many people in this world usually use this device to help their work faster than using of manual stakeholders. There is an anomaly that the people are depending on computer. Is that issue correct? Lets we discuss it together.

Many people would speak that their works are depending on computer loudly. It could be analyzed from the daily activities that at least after we wake up in the morning, we would directly check our email through the computer. It just only for a small thing, but how if we see the reality at the office or school atmosphere? We can say that the office always use the computer to finish their work. The example is when they want to present their activities to get the tender; they always use the power-point slide to make everybody in that activity clearer. We’ve already got an example of computer usage in the institutional organization such as an office.
How about our daily life? Are we also depending on the computer? Of course, yes. We usually use the computer to help our activities easier. The real fact, for the students, we are having our homework everyday. Most of the homework are using computer to make the task has been fulfill before the deadline come. For example, we get the task to make a scientific paper consists at least 6 pages in two days. After we think wisely, absolutely we will choose to type it using computer. It will gives some benefits for them. The first, the paper will be finished faster. Then, it will looks more tidy compared with the handwriting. And, the students can find some more references by using the computer.

But, in the other paradigm, many people in this world also said that the computer is not our crucial needed. They will say that computer only a device that helps us to fulfill our job. Without computer, we can still do our daily activities normally. They will ask, are you bringing your computer or laptop even you are taking a bath? Computer only contribute in our working process, not more. For other process, we still use our manual force to finish that, such as washing and cooking. They also can add their ideas to say that computer will only bring some bad effects rather than the benefits. It would kill our social responsibilities and creativity.

From those ideas above, we could take an important point, which the people needed in computer are different based on their job and social status. And also, as a wise person, we could think and expect what will happen if we are too dependent on computer. Have a nice work!

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