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Grain-Based Food, What’s the First?

Grain-Based Food, What’s the First?
Achmad Januar Er Putra
01 / XI Science 4
SMAN 10 Malang

          Many anthropologists still argued about the first grain-based food. Some of them proposed that the origin of that kind of food is bread, while the rest says beer. Which one is the correct? Let’s discuss together.

          The first is about grinding the grain. For the bread idea-addict, they said that the grain should be crushed for the first, then it will turns to paste and easier to be consumed. While, at the beer side, the grain just needed to be kept on a moist environment, and they will start to germinate. The sprout will produce the sweet substance.

          Next, the bread preparation needs to be baked up to the fire. The loaf of breads will be maintained in value for a longer time after harvesting. In the other hand, the beers no need to be baked; they just can be drunk spontaneously after the process is finished.

          Last, the bread accidentally inhabited by yeast spore, providing lighter texture. For the opposite reason; the beer; the yeast can’t be added naturally. But, the beer-maker should extract the yeast with some amount of water first. This mixture of yeast and water will ferment the sprout to become beer.

          From some reasons above, which arguments do you think as the most correct argument one? 

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